import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Literal, Union, Callable
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
import scipy
import numpy as np
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Counter utils
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def counts_from_labels(labels: ArrayLike, classes: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the raw count values from a vector of labels.
:param labels: array-like of shape `(n_instances,)` with the label for each instance
:param classes: the class labels. This is needed in order to correctly compute the prevalence vector even when
some classes have no examples.
:return: ndarray of shape `(len(classes),)` with the raw counts for each class, in the same order
as they appear in `classes`
if np.asarray(labels).ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(f'param labels does not seem to be a ndarray of label predictions')
unique, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
by_class = defaultdict(lambda:0, dict(zip(unique, counts)))
counts = np.asarray([by_class[class_] for class_ in classes], dtype=int)
return counts
def prevalence_from_labels(labels: ArrayLike, classes: ArrayLike):
Computes the prevalence values from a vector of labels.
:param labels: array-like of shape `(n_instances,)` with the label for each instance
:param classes: the class labels. This is needed in order to correctly compute the prevalence vector even when
some classes have no examples.
:return: ndarray of shape `(len(classes),)` with the class proportions for each class, in the same order
as they appear in `classes`
counts = counts_from_labels(labels, classes)
prevalences = counts.astype(float) / np.sum(counts)
return prevalences
def prevalence_from_probabilities(posteriors: ArrayLike, binarize: bool = False):
Returns a vector of prevalence values from a matrix of posterior probabilities.
:param posteriors: array-like of shape `(n_instances, n_classes,)` with posterior probabilities for each class
:param binarize: set to True (default is False) for computing the prevalence values on crisp decisions (i.e.,
converting the vectors of posterior probabilities into class indices, by taking the argmax).
:return: array of shape `(n_classes,)` containing the prevalence values
posteriors = np.asarray(posteriors)
if posteriors.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(f'param posteriors does not seem to be a ndarray of posterior probabilities')
if binarize:
predictions = np.argmax(posteriors, axis=-1)
return prevalence_from_labels(predictions, np.arange(posteriors.shape[1]))
prevalences = posteriors.mean(axis=0)
prevalences /= prevalences.sum()
return prevalences
def num_prevalence_combinations(n_prevpoints:int, n_classes:int, n_repeats:int=1) -> int:
Computes the number of valid prevalence combinations in the n_classes-dimensional simplex if `n_prevpoints` equally
distant prevalence values are generated and `n_repeats` repetitions are requested.
The computation comes down to calculating:
.. math::
\\binom{N+C-1}{C-1} \\times r
where `N` is `n_prevpoints-1`, i.e., the number of probability mass blocks to allocate, `C` is the number of
classes, and `r` is `n_repeats`. This solution comes from the
`Stars and Bars <>`_ problem.
:param int n_classes: number of classes
:param int n_prevpoints: number of prevalence points.
:param int n_repeats: number of repetitions for each prevalence combination
:return: The number of possible combinations. For example, if `n_classes`=2, `n_prevpoints`=5, `n_repeats`=1,
then the number of possible combinations are 5, i.e.: [0,1], [0.25,0.75], [0.50,0.50], [0.75,0.25],
and [1.0,0.0]
N = n_prevpoints-1
C = n_classes
r = n_repeats
return int(scipy.special.binom(N + C - 1, C - 1) * r)
def get_nprevpoints_approximation(combinations_budget:int, n_classes:int, n_repeats:int=1) -> int:
Searches for the largest number of (equidistant) prevalence points to define for each of the `n_classes` classes so
that the number of valid prevalence values generated as combinations of prevalence points (points in a
`n_classes`-dimensional simplex) do not exceed combinations_budget.
:param int combinations_budget: maximum number of combinations allowed
:param int n_classes: number of classes
:param int n_repeats: number of repetitions for each prevalence combination
:return: the largest number of prevalence points that generate less than combinations_budget valid prevalences
assert n_classes > 0 and n_repeats > 0 and combinations_budget > 0, 'parameters must be positive integers'
n_prevpoints = 1
while True:
combinations = num_prevalence_combinations(n_prevpoints, n_classes, n_repeats)
if combinations > combinations_budget:
return n_prevpoints-1
n_prevpoints += 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prevalence vectors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def as_binary_prevalence(positive_prevalence: Union[float, ArrayLike], clip_if_necessary: bool=False) -> np.ndarray:
Helper that, given a float representing the prevalence for the positive class, returns a np.ndarray of two
values representing a binary distribution.
:param positive_prevalence: float or array-like of floats with the prevalence for the positive class
:param bool clip_if_necessary: if True, clips the value in [0,1] in order to guarantee the resulting distribution
is valid. If False, it then checks that the value is in the valid range, and raises an error if not.
:return: np.ndarray of shape `(2,)`
positive_prevalence = np.asarray(positive_prevalence, float)
if clip_if_necessary:
positive_prevalence = np.clip(positive_prevalence, 0, 1)
assert np.logical_and(0 <= positive_prevalence, positive_prevalence <= 1).all(), \
'the value provided is not a valid prevalence for the positive class'
return np.asarray([1-positive_prevalence, positive_prevalence]).T
def strprev(prevalences: ArrayLike, prec: int=3) -> str:
Returns a string representation for a prevalence vector. E.g.,
>>> strprev([1/3, 2/3], prec=2)
>>> '[0.33, 0.67]'
:param prevalences: array-like of prevalence values
:param prec: int, indicates the float precision (number of decimal values to print)
:return: string
return '['+ ', '.join([f'{p:.{prec}f}' for p in prevalences]) + ']'
def check_prevalence_vector(prevalences: ArrayLike, raise_exception: bool=False, tolerance: float=1e-08, aggr=True):
Checks that `prevalences` is a valid prevalence vector, i.e., it contains values in [0,1] and
the values sum up to 1. In other words, verifies that the `prevalences` vectors lies in the
probability simplex.
:param ArrayLike prevalences: the prevalence vector, or vectors, to check
:param bool raise_exception: whether to raise an exception if the vector (or any of the vectors) does
not lie in the simplex (default False)
:param float tolerance: error tolerance for the check `sum(prevalences) - 1 = 0`
:param bool aggr: if True (default) returns one single bool (True if all prevalence vectors are valid,
False otherwise), if False returns an array of bool, one for each prevalence vector
:return: a single bool True if `prevalences` is a vector of prevalence values that lies on the simplex,
or False otherwise; alternatively, if `prevalences` is a matrix of shape `(num_vectors, n_classes,)`
then it returns one such bool for each prevalence vector
prevalences = np.asarray(prevalences)
all_positive = prevalences>=0
if not all_positive.all():
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError('some prevalence vectors contain negative numbers; '
'consider using the qp.functional.normalize_prevalence with '
'any method from ["clip", "mapsimplex", "softmax"]')
all_close_1 = np.isclose(prevalences.sum(axis=-1), 1, atol=tolerance)
if not all_close_1.all():
if raise_exception:
raise ValueError('some prevalence vectors do not sum up to 1; '
'consider using the qp.functional.normalize_prevalence with '
'any method from ["l1", "clip", "mapsimplex", "softmax"]')
valid = np.logical_and(all_positive.all(axis=-1), all_close_1)
if aggr:
return valid.all()
return valid
def normalize_prevalence(prevalences: ArrayLike, method='l1'):
Normalizes a vector or matrix of prevalence values. The normalization consists of applying a L1 normalization in
cases in which the prevalence values are not all-zeros, and to convert the prevalence values into `1/n_classes` in
cases in which all values are zero.
:param prevalences: array-like of shape `(n_classes,)` or of shape `(n_samples, n_classes,)` with prevalence values
:param str method: indicates the normalization method to employ, options are:
* `l1`: applies L1 normalization (default); a 0 vector is mapped onto the uniform prevalence
* `clip`: clip values in [0,1] and then rescales so that the L1 norm is 1
* `mapsimplex`: projects vectors onto the probability simplex. This implementation relies on
`Mathieu Blondel's projection_simplex_sort <>`_
* `softmax`: applies softmax to all vectors
* `condsoftmax`: applies softmax only to invalid prevalence vectors
:return: a normalized vector or matrix of prevalence values
if method in ['none', None]:
return prevalences
prevalences = np.asarray(prevalences, dtype=float)
if method=='l1':
normalized = l1_norm(prevalences)
check_prevalence_vector(normalized, raise_exception=True)
elif method=='clip':
normalized = clip(prevalences) # no need to check afterwards
elif method=='mapsimplex':
normalized = projection_simplex_sort(prevalences)
elif method=='softmax':
normalized = softmax(prevalences)
elif method=='condsoftmax':
normalized = condsoftmax(prevalences)
raise ValueError(f'unknown {method=}, valid ones are ["l1", "clip", "mapsimplex", "softmax", "condsoftmax"]')
return normalized
def l1_norm(prevalences: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
Applies L1 normalization to the `unnormalized_arr` so that it becomes a valid prevalence
vector. Zero vectors are mapped onto the uniform distribution. Raises an exception if
the resulting vectors are not valid distributions. This may happen when the original
prevalence vectors contain negative values. Use the `clip` normalization function
instead to avoid this possibility.
:param prevalences: array-like of shape `(n_classes,)` or of shape `(n_samples, n_classes,)` with prevalence values
:return: np.ndarray representing a valid distribution
n_classes = prevalences.shape[-1]
accum = prevalences.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
prevalences = np.true_divide(prevalences, accum, where=accum > 0)
allzeros = accum.flatten() == 0
if any(allzeros):
if prevalences.ndim == 1:
prevalences = np.full(shape=n_classes, fill_value=1. / n_classes)
prevalences[allzeros] = np.full(shape=n_classes, fill_value=1. / n_classes)
return prevalences
def clip(prevalences: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
Clips the values in [0,1] and then applies the L1 normalization.
:param prevalences: array-like of shape `(n_classes,)` or of shape `(n_samples, n_classes,)` with prevalence values
:return: np.ndarray representing a valid distribution
clipped = np.clip(prevalences, 0, 1)
normalized = l1_norm(clipped)
return normalized
def projection_simplex_sort(unnormalized_arr: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
"""Projects a point onto the probability simplex.
The code is adapted from Mathieu Blondel's BSD-licensed
`implementation <>`_
(see function `projection_simplex_sort` in their repo) which is accompanying the paper
Mathieu Blondel, Akinori Fujino, and Naonori Ueda.
Large-scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex,
ICPR 2014, `URL <>`_
:param `unnormalized_arr`: point in n-dimensional space, shape `(n,)`
:return: projection of `unnormalized_arr` onto the (n-1)-dimensional probability simplex, shape `(n,)`
unnormalized_arr = np.asarray(unnormalized_arr)
n = len(unnormalized_arr)
u = np.sort(unnormalized_arr)[::-1]
cssv = np.cumsum(u) - 1.0
ind = np.arange(1, n + 1)
cond = u - cssv / ind > 0
rho = ind[cond][-1]
theta = cssv[cond][-1] / float(rho)
return np.maximum(unnormalized_arr - theta, 0)
def softmax(prevalences: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
Applies the softmax function to all vectors even if the original vectors were valid distributions.
If you want to leave valid vectors untouched, use condsoftmax instead.
:param prevalences: array-like of shape `(n_classes,)` or of shape `(n_samples, n_classes,)` with prevalence values
:return: np.ndarray representing a valid distribution
normalized = scipy.special.softmax(prevalences, axis=-1)
return normalized
def condsoftmax(prevalences: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray:
Applies the softmax function only to vectors that do not represent valid distributions.
:param prevalences: array-like of shape `(n_classes,)` or of shape `(n_samples, n_classes,)` with prevalence values
:return: np.ndarray representing a valid distribution
invalid_idx = ~ check_prevalence_vector(prevalences, aggr=False, raise_exception=False)
if isinstance(invalid_idx, np.bool_) and invalid_idx:
# only one vector
normalized = scipy.special.softmax(prevalences)
prevalences = np.copy(prevalences)
prevalences[invalid_idx] = scipy.special.softmax(prevalences[invalid_idx], axis=-1)
normalized = prevalences
return normalized
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Divergences
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def HellingerDistance(P: np.ndarray, Q: np.ndarray) -> float:
Computes the Hellingher Distance (HD) between (discretized) distributions `P` and `Q`.
The HD for two discrete distributions of `k` bins is defined as:
.. math::
HD(P,Q) = \\frac{ 1 }{ \\sqrt{ 2 } } \\sqrt{ \\sum_{i=1}^k ( \\sqrt{p_i} - \\sqrt{q_i} )^2 }
:param P: real-valued array-like of shape `(k,)` representing a discrete distribution
:param Q: real-valued array-like of shape `(k,)` representing a discrete distribution
:return: float
return np.sqrt(np.sum((np.sqrt(P) - np.sqrt(Q))**2))
def TopsoeDistance(P: np.ndarray, Q: np.ndarray, epsilon: float=1e-20):
Topsoe distance between two (discretized) distributions `P` and `Q`.
The Topsoe distance for two discrete distributions of `k` bins is defined as:
.. math::
Topsoe(P,Q) = \\sum_{i=1}^k \\left( p_i \\log\\left(\\frac{ 2 p_i + \\epsilon }{ p_i+q_i+\\epsilon }\\right) +
q_i \\log\\left(\\frac{ 2 q_i + \\epsilon }{ p_i+q_i+\\epsilon }\\right) \\right)
:param P: real-valued array-like of shape `(k,)` representing a discrete distribution
:param Q: real-valued array-like of shape `(k,)` representing a discrete distribution
:return: float
return np.sum(P*np.log((2*P+epsilon)/(P+Q+epsilon)) + Q*np.log((2*Q+epsilon)/(P+Q+epsilon)))
def get_divergence(divergence: Union[str, Callable]):
Guarantees that the divergence received as argument is a function. That is, if this argument is already
a callable, then it is returned, if it is instead a string, then tries to instantiate the corresponding
divergence from the string name.
:param divergence: callable or string indicating the name of the divergence function
:return: callable
if isinstance(divergence, str):
if divergence=='HD':
return HellingerDistance
elif divergence=='topsoe':
return TopsoeDistance
raise ValueError(f'unknown divergence {divergence}')
elif callable(divergence):
return divergence
raise ValueError(f'argument "divergence" not understood; use a str or a callable function')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Solvers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def argmin_prevalence(loss: Callable,
n_classes: int,
method: Literal["optim_minimize", "linear_search", "ternary_search"]='optim_minimize'):
Searches for the prevalence vector that minimizes a loss function.
:param loss: callable, the function to minimize
:param n_classes: int, number of classes
:param method: string indicating the search strategy. Possible values are::
'optim_minimize': uses scipy.optim
'linear_search': carries out a linear search for binary problems in the space [0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 1]
'ternary_search': implements the ternary search (not yet implemented)
:return: np.ndarray, a prevalence vector
if method == 'optim_minimize':
return optim_minimize(loss, n_classes)
elif method == 'linear_search':
return linear_search(loss, n_classes)
elif method == 'ternary_search':
ternary_search(loss, n_classes)
raise NotImplementedError()
def optim_minimize(loss: Callable, n_classes: int):
Searches for the optimal prevalence values, i.e., an `n_classes`-dimensional vector of the (`n_classes`-1)-simplex
that yields the smallest lost. This optimization is carried out by means of a constrained search using scipy's
SLSQP routine.
:param loss: (callable) the function to minimize
:param n_classes: (int) the number of classes, i.e., the dimensionality of the prevalence vector
:return: (ndarray) the best prevalence vector found
from scipy import optimize
# the initial point is set as the uniform distribution
uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / n_classes, shape=(n_classes,))
# solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for _ in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1]
constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1
r = optimize.minimize(loss, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
return r.x
def linear_search(loss: Callable, n_classes: int):
Performs a linear search for the best prevalence value in binary problems. The search is carried out by exploring
the range [0,1] stepping by 0.01. This search is inefficient, and is added only for completeness (some of the
early methods in quantification literature used it, e.g., HDy). A most powerful alternative is `optim_minimize`.
:param loss: (callable) the function to minimize
:param n_classes: (int) the number of classes, i.e., the dimensionality of the prevalence vector
:return: (ndarray) the best prevalence vector found
assert n_classes==2, 'linear search is only available for binary problems'
prev_selected, min_score = None, None
for prev in prevalence_linspace(grid_points=100, repeats=1, smooth_limits_epsilon=0.0):
score = loss(np.asarray([1 - prev, prev]))
if min_score is None or score < min_score:
prev_selected, min_score = prev, score
return np.asarray([1 - prev_selected, prev_selected])
def ternary_search(loss: Callable, n_classes: int):
raise NotImplementedError()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sampling utils
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def prevalence_linspace(grid_points:int=21, repeats:int=1, smooth_limits_epsilon:float=0.01) -> np.ndarray:
Produces an array of uniformly separated values of prevalence.
By default, produces an array of 21 prevalence values, with
step 0.05 and with the limits smoothed, i.e.:
[0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, ..., 0.90, 0.95, 0.99]
:param grid_points: the number of prevalence values to sample from the [0,1] interval (default 21)
:param repeats: number of times each prevalence is to be repeated (defaults to 1)
:param smooth_limits_epsilon: the quantity to add and subtract to the limits 0 and 1
:return: an array of uniformly separated prevalence values
p = np.linspace(0., 1., num=grid_points, endpoint=True)
p[0] += smooth_limits_epsilon
p[-1] -= smooth_limits_epsilon
if p[0] > p[1]:
raise ValueError(f'the smoothing in the limits is greater than the prevalence step')
if repeats > 1:
p = np.repeat(p, repeats)
return p
uniform_simplex_sampling = uniform_prevalence_sampling
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adjustment
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def solve_adjustment_binary(prevalence_estim: ArrayLike, tpr: float, fpr: float, clip: bool=True):
Implements the adjustment of ACC and PACC for the binary case. The adjustment for a prevalence estimate of the
positive class `p` comes down to computing:
.. math::
ACC(p) = \\frac{ p - fpr }{ tpr - fpr }
:param float prevalence_estim: the estimated value for the positive class (`p` in the formula)
:param float tpr: the true positive rate of the classifier
:param float fpr: the false positive rate of the classifier
:param bool clip: set to True (default) to clip values that might exceed the range [0,1]
:return: float, the adjusted count
den = tpr - fpr
if den == 0:
den += 1e-8
adjusted = (prevalence_estim - fpr) / den
if clip:
adjusted = np.clip(adjusted, 0., 1.)
return adjusted
def solve_adjustment(
class_conditional_rates: np.ndarray,
unadjusted_counts: np.ndarray,
method: Literal["inversion", "invariant-ratio"],
solver: Literal["exact", "minimize", "exact-raise", "exact-cc"]) -> np.ndarray:
Function that tries to solve for :math:`p` the equation :math:`q = M p`, where :math:`q` is the vector of
`unadjusted counts` (as estimated, e.g., via classify and count) with :math:`q_i` an estimate of
:math:`P(\hat{Y}=y_i)`, and where :math:`M` is the matrix of `class-conditional rates` with :math:`M_{ij}` an
estimate of :math:`P(\hat{Y}=y_i|Y=y_j)`.
:param class_conditional_rates: array of shape `(n_classes, n_classes,)` with entry `(i,j)` being the estimate
of :math:`P(\hat{Y}=y_i|Y=y_j)`, that is, the probability that an instance that belongs to class :math:`y_j`
ends up being classified as belonging to class :math:`y_i`
:param unadjusted_counts: array of shape `(n_classes,)` containing the unadjusted prevalence values (e.g., as
estimated by CC or PCC)
:param str method: indicates the adjustment method to be used. Valid options are:
* `inversion`: tries to solve the equation :math:`q = M p` as :math:`p = M^{-1} q` where
:math:`M^{-1}` is the matrix inversion of :math:`M`. This inversion may not exist in
degenerated cases.
* `invariant-ratio`: invariant ratio estimator of `Vaz et al. 2018 <>`_,
which replaces the last equation in :math:`M` with the normalization condition (i.e., that the sum of
all prevalence values must equal 1).
:param str solver: the method to use for solving the system of linear equations. Valid options are:
* `exact-raise`: tries to solve the system using matrix inversion. Raises an error if the matrix has rank
strictly lower than `n_classes`.
* `exact-cc`: if the matrix is not full rank, returns :math:`q` (i.e., the unadjusted counts) as the estimates
* `exact`: deprecated, defaults to 'exact-cc' (will be removed in future versions)
* `minimize`: minimizes a loss, so the solution always exists
if solver == "exact":
"The 'exact' solver is deprecated. Use 'exact-raise' or 'exact-cc'", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
solver = "exact-cc"
A = np.asarray(class_conditional_rates, dtype=float)
B = np.asarray(unadjusted_counts, dtype=float)
if method == "inversion":
pass # We leave A and B unchanged
elif method == "invariant-ratio":
# Change the last equation to replace it with the normalization condition
A[-1, :] = 1.0
B[-1] = 1.0
raise ValueError(f"unknown {method=}")
if solver == "minimize":
def loss(prev):
return np.linalg.norm(A @ prev - B)
return optim_minimize(loss, n_classes=A.shape[0])
elif solver in ["exact-raise", "exact-cc"]:
# Solvers based on matrix inversion, so we use try/except block
return np.linalg.solve(A, B)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
# The matrix is not invertible.
# Depending on the solver, we either raise an error
# or return the classifier predictions without adjustment
if solver == "exact-raise":
elif solver == "exact-cc":
return unadjusted_counts
raise ValueError(f"Solver {solver} not known.")
raise ValueError(f'unknown {solver=}')